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Since I already have a blog

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Start of a New Year-ish... and blog

Well Hello!!!

I'm revamping my loser non-blog self to one that blogs. Not every day or anything, because I can't commit to that. However what I can commit to is being faithful to my blog again and posting at least... once a month. Not the best, but HEY! It is a start.

Last time I posted anything I was telling you that I just got married. FANTASTIC! But so much has been going on. So a brief summary will do as I start this back up again.

Since April 2011, Tyler (the hubs) went to and graduated from the Southern Arizona law Enforcement Training Center (SALETC) in 2012. I went to and graduated from cosmetology school at Northland Pioneer College. It was... an experience. BUT now I am an officially licensed cosmetologist.  Woo!

We also have two little fur balls. Spud and Stella. They are balls of fun and I love them. Even though they drive me crazy.

In other exciting news... I'M PREGNANT!!!! YEAH!!! I'm so excited. It's been crazy and tough but now I can feel my little person moving and dancing about and just being fun and active. It is great. I love being able to feel the movement. It's definitely been a new experience for me. Sometimes I feel GREAT and sometimes I just lay in bed wanting to die. Also, I have a hernia a few inches above my belly button. It's been there for a while, just never noticeable. That beast is the worst. As my belly grows bigger and baby moves a lot more often, that thing is painful. So lying down all day is pretty much what I do to deal when it's bad. Which is pretty often. :( It SUCKS! BUT like I said, I feel great other times. And when that happens, I am out and about. Greatest thing: Feeling and seeing little baby moving around. Because everytime I do see that, it's just confirmation and a great feeling of, "YES, little person is still alive!" I'm paranoid like that!

Anywho, I am SUPER beyond excited to be having a baby. Due date is in April 2014. So this year, along with blogging more, I plan to be a freaking amazing mamma.

Oh! And we will be welcoming a little baby.... BOY!

Welp... That's all for now. Blog ya later!!


Mary said...

Hooray! Now I can creep on your life via the internets. (more than I already do)

Sarah Blue said...

Welcome back!