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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

A trip to the North!

This past New Year's, I went up to Idaho for those of you who don't know. Now I'm not going to post everything on here, because I'm not. But I will tell you bits and pieces. Really good bits and pieces.

While I was in Idaho, I saw Return Missionary man. I was fortunate enough to spend New Year's Eve with him and his entire family (practically). It was great. The BEST New Year's I've had. Ever! Anyways, after New Year's rolled itself around to that special 12 am, we just said our "Happy New Year's" to each other, then went on to playing games. I LOVE games! And his family our game players! Well, at like 3 am we all decided to leave. By "we all" I mean his parents and two sisters, he and I. He and I went in a car back to his home from his Grandma's with the rest of his family (besides another sister who stayed the night) behind us. I sat in the middle of his car right next to him. He held my hand! It was great. **OH AND... The entire time he opened my doors for me! I don't think he knows how important that is to me, but he did it!** Then as we drove along, he pulled our interlocked fingers together and kissed my hand lightly. I'm no sure why, but at that moment I started to tear up and cry a little. I just lied! I do know why. Because for so long, I haven't had someone who wanted to hold my hand, in public or private. And he did both. Then he kissed my hand while still in his. Thankfully I stopped fast enough to keep my voice strong and keep the conversation flowing. Then a little later, he kissed me. A light, sweet, but very worth while kiss. And after he said he needed to get back to focusing on driving and my chills had settled, I teared up AGAIN! What the Heck!?! I blame it on cold weather and thankfully again, he hadn't seen. Call me crazy, but it was amazing. And it just felt right. Still feels right. I know that I cried because it was right and I haven't felt that way, well, ever!

I would post some pictures, but I forgot my camera. I'll have to post some that I took with my phone.

Short story, sorry. But right now, the details are for me and my memory that I plan on saving and reliving as I have been doing so.

In other news... How was your New Year's? What did you do? Did you party til your heart stopped? Or did you sleep?

Well have a wonderful time.


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