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Friday, April 18, 2014

Anxiety and New things

Anxiety is a killer. Have any of you other moms, or dads, dealt with this?? It has been driving me crazy. I think i've become a little bit more OCD as well. I think Tyler has been a good sport and also very anxious. But as I have become more calm about everything, thanks to my mom and AWESOME sisters, I think he has become more anxious. I have to say that I literally would cry from baby not being here and getting more anxious with wanting him here. I would go places and think he should be in my arms. Then I would see these signs posted that would say "Don't Rush!" Easier said than done. Geez! But again, I have become a little more calm about everything. My due date is Easter Sunday. Just a few short days away, though I don't think he will make his presence until after. Little stinker.

To help cope with everything I have THE. BEST. SISTERS and MOM! They have all called or chatted with me on Facebook. It has been so nice to have their advice and have them all help. Speaking of sisters, my younger sister JUST had a baby! She looks fantastic and the little mini girl is such a cutie. And my other sister is pregnant as well. We're both having boys and they will probably be a LOT closer than anticipated. This is definitely a baby filled year in my family! It's great. Lots of cousins.

Also, did any of you moms try to induce your labor naturally? Yeah! I admit I have tried almost everything. The only thing I haven't tried? Castor oil! I refuse! My pride, and body, couldn't handle it. haha. All these ladies on the internet that have their tried and true method, I call you out! None of it has worked. But that's ok. With all the walking that i've been doing since being pregnant, I feel I'm in really good shape. Besides my belly growing constantly bigger, everything looks pretty good. Well in my eyes! And that's all that counts you fools!

After most of the anxiety left my blood stream, I had time to think about other things. New things. All the new things that come with the experience of having a baby, starting a family and only having that family grow in the love and strength. If any of you knew my husband when we first got married in comparison to the now, you'd be so surprised. In a good way. Along with all the changes that we have had to make for this up and coming baby, he's also made changes to other things. Like eating more vegetables. YEAH! It sounds silly, but my man is a total carnivore. Still is and always will be. But NOW... he will eat some great veggies that he use to HATE!!! Seriously! Like pickles. He hated pickles. We went down to visit my mom and dad, and in the fridge were some homemade pickles. Spicey kind. Anyways, he tried them. I was SO SURPRISED! I wanted to take a picture but got a "if you do, I will be very angry" look. I oblidged. What else though!? Artichokes. He had never tried them. My mom made a batch for me, because i'm in love with the veggie, and he ate it. Not only that, but he liked it. It was THE BEST! Now he wants more. He is the best. It's so awesome that he and I have grown so much and how much more we will. All the changes and new things that are going to come into play, I cannot wait.

Well enjoy reading my random thoughts!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Meri-deth. Um, I have been taking Evening primrose oil which my younger sis. Colleen swears made her delivery much quicker. She had her first this last September and she told me she only pushed like 5 times and the baby came out. Also, I plan to start putting it "up there" in a week. Did you try this?? Just wondering. Also, two of my sisters swear by Dr. Christopher's Birth Prep pills. (I've only been able to find them on Amazon) Even this local health shop had never heard of it. Makes me wonder...but, baby and I are both still alive and I've been taking them for a month now. I attribute any dilation to those pills. Seriously! I'm 38 weeks tomorrow and I'm dilated to a 3 1/2. It's not much but I think for my first baby it's pretty good. Hoping I'm not overdue because my back is killing me every day/all day. Was yours?? Glad you finally have your baby now though. :)